Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The False Rape Society: By the balls: That's where your son's college has ...

The False Rape Society: By the balls: That's where your son's college has ...: "This blog has written extensively about the Obama administration's April 4 directive to colleges that, to be compliant with Title IX, they ..."

New Forum - "Sex Offender Issues forum"


A New Process to Track Sex Offenders


Jamaica - Sex offender report affects taxi operators - News - Go-Jamaica

Sex offender report affects taxi operators - News - Go-Jamaica

CA - Westminster to consider sex-offender ban in parks

Westminster to consider sex-offender ban in parks

GA - Custody dispute exposes sex offender law issues

Custody dispute exposes sex offender law issues: "Of all the restrictions Georgia law puts on convicted sex offenders, one detail wasn't addressed: Nothing prevents a child molester from moving into a home where there are children. Law enforcemen..."

Ga. woman removed from sex offender list - 8 mos ago

Ga. woman removed from sex offender list: "ATLANTA (AP)-- A woman at the center of a lawsuit to change Georgia's stringent sex offender laws can be removed from the state's sex offender registry.

Lawyers for Wendy Whitaker said Friday th..."

National Megan’s Law Helpline & Sex Offender Registration Tips Program

UK - No plans to make Sarah’s Law here


Audit: Sex offenders not being monitored closely enough - Chicago Sun-Times

Pennsylvania Supreme Court declares local sex offender residency restrictions preempted by state law


Sex Offender Law: Down to the Wire: June 2011


As the deadline approaches to comply with federal rules on sex offenders, some states are saying “no thanks.”

Sex offender re-arrested after alleged federal violation | TahoeDailyTribune.com


RSOL Conference in August!

For more info visit: https://sites.google.com/site/rsolnationalconference/schedule

Friday 6 pm - Sunday 1 pm
August 12-14, 2011
Saint Louis, Missouri

Who is Invited:

All persons interested in working for reform of sex offender laws, especially those interested in becoming leaders in this movement.

Conference Theme:

Growing a strong, active state organization
Financial and fund-raising strategies
Becoming an effective lobbyist in YOUR state!

Registration Cost:

$40 per person, Early Bird Price
$10 Member Discount* for members of national or state groups fighting for reform
Cost will be $50 after July 4, 2011. REGISTER TODAY!

For more info visit: https://sites.google.com/site/rsolnationalconference/schedule

My mistake that my FAMILY pays for!

FL - Sex Offenders: Murdered: U.S. Marshals: Alabama fugitive fatally shot in St. Pete

Egyptian Banker Arrested in NYC Hotel Attack

Reviews for A Motion for Innocence...And Justice for All? by Shaun Webb

Reviews for A Motion for Innocence...And Justice for All? by Shaun Webb

Woman charged after damaging security cams at sex offender

More privatization of the justice system

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Match.com Sex Assault Suit Sent To State Court


Home> U.S. APNewsBreak: Calif to Change Sex-Offender Tracking


Registered sex offender re-arrested near Tahoe recreation center | NevadaAppeal.com

Pa. high court strikes down a county's Megan's Law residency restrictions


Audit: Sex offenders not being monitored closely enough - Chicago Sun-Times

MI - Koochiching County: Human services could be cut, By LAUREL BEAGER, Editor


Sex offenders often struggle to find place to call home - The Lufkin Daily News: Local & State

Sex offenders often struggle to find place to call home - The Lufkin Daily News: Local & State: "For 21 years, a convicted sex offender from Lufkin called an 8-by-10-foot prison cell home. Today, the man, who maintains he was wrongly convi…"

AU - Anna Bligh refuses to commit to funding GPS tracking in Queensland Budget


PA - Sex Offender Law Made 'Penal Colonies' - Forced Exile In The Land O...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Legal misandry: The true silent epidemic


Montana Supreme Court: Teenager must register as sex offender for Ravalli County assault

Illinois General Assembly Passes ‘Murderer Registry’

Sex offender, ex-Greenwich doctor can resume medical practice


AU - Victorian bid to end court secrecy

[But Sentencing Advisory Council chairman Arie Freiberg said disclosing the identity of sex offenders increased their risk of reoffending. ''All of the evidence is that stability, supervision, accommodation and work are all important factors in assisting offenders' reintegration into the community,'' he said.

''Identifying people and hounding them from where they live runs counter to that - offenders can then become even more angry, resentful and feel they may have nothing to lose by reoffending.]

Still trying to figure out what this image has to do with the article. Assume it is implying the on-going hatred....

ND - Seeking; Human Relations Counselor James River Correctional Center


LA -Lawmakers seek to ban convict use of social media


"BATON ROUGE — Prison inmates and sex offenders who have been released should be banned from utilizing social networking sites on the Internet that could be used to solicit victims, state lawmakers say."



FLorida - When Convicted Sex Offenders Are Released...


Marty Driscoll, a Dept. of Corrections contractor for treatment of convicted sex offenders, talks about sex offender treatment 

What comes next for convicted sex offenders who are released from prison?

Marty Driscoll, Co-Chair of the Domestic and Sexual Violence Task Force for Pasco County, is a licensed therapist who helps sex offenders find the answer to this question.

I spoke to him about what it is like to work with the convicted sex offenders who are out of jail on probation or parole:

Driscoll is a licensed mental health therapist who worked with child abuse prevention and started first child abuse prevention program in Pasco County. Then in private practice, he noticed there was a lack of sex offender treatment in East Pasco. He started a small treatment program, then got a Department of Corrections contract in 1989.

The program has grown into a 3 and a half year minimum treatment regimen for convicted sex offenders. If a defendant is not convicted, or if he or she is allowed to do something like plea down to felony child abuse instead of felony sex crime, then Driscoll cannot treat them. Then they get enrolled in a year-long child abuse prevention education program but not treatment. They do not work on their individual issues. Driscoll said he also gets people with custody issues who have been accused of sex abuse and also a non-offending parent treatment program for the mother 

Take a plea? Wow, that sounds easy and simple enough. What most don't know that when a plea is given, that person is now on life-time registry even if that plea seems better. Fight it and you will likely loose so what choice is there really?

Participants have to meet certain requirements as a condition imposed in the sentence by the judge under Driscoll's program, called Prevention Projects Inc.

Never heard of it....

Even if the judge does not directly require a polygraph, the court ordered program does requires the polygraph, even if not named in the sentence. 

Most sex offenders are required to take polygraphs every year. That fee is to be paid by the sex offender who can't get a job or place to live. So if the fee isn't paid ....likely its back to jail you go. That is great for Florida's budget and recidivism rate when it is a technical violation and not another sexual offense.

What is Driscoll's role in the court process for sex offenders?

Driscoll gets the offender after there has been conviction. There are exceptions: "Some lawyers send the offender ahead of time to work a plea bargain but that is rare," he said.

Where is the level of a sex offender. How is that rated? Do we know how violent or aggressive that sex offender is or did an 18 year old happen to date a sixteen year old. How about sexting? How about that non-violent, first-time offender that made that one mistake just as that person intoxicated did getting behind a wheel of a car?

Does Driscoll encounter controversy because he works with sex offenders? Yes, he said.

Interesting follow-up below and very in-depth, Ms. Megison...

"The controversial side: they are offenders are on the lowest rung of the criminal ladder, even below murderers," Driscoll said.

What is a treatment goal that he has with them? "A key element is to learn how to regain their integrity. Society is not going to forgive them, so how do they forgive themselves, or else they live an unhealthy shame-based life. (The) majority are called regressed sex offenders: under certain situational and psychological conditions, they will turn to an underage person…not necessarily pre-adolescent. The probability of re-offense is therefore higher."

"(Sex offenders) don't see people, they see objects," Driscoll said. "They experience anger, sadness and depression," he said.  

Interesting concept...how about those that have are low-risk, non-violent and aren't predators but are constantly lumped as the same. Come on...do you call someone who had a first-time DUI -- a drunk and he will do it again? So how can you call a first-time, non-violent, low-risk sex offender -- a predator...a monster?

According to Driscoll, sex offender treatment involves learning what triggers a sex offender psychologically to offend. Sometimes it is a sex fantasy they enact on a child. Once you discover the trigger, you can help reduce the chance that they will re-offend, Driscoll said.

Yes, there are some very dangerous sex offenders out there. But why not incarcerate or monitor those instead of the low-risk, non-violent offenders. Fix the problem in regards to our youth not send them to jail and a life of hell with registry. How will any integrity or even hope come if there is only hatred, banishment and harassment from others.

"Treatment helps them to interrupt those behaviors," Driscoll said. "They have to learn how to have empathy for others. What they most want to avoid experiencing is empathy for their victim because it is so painful. That is the key element to stop re-offending. See a person who can help them stop what is triggering them."

People, even some judges, may sometimes hope that a psychological evaluation or other psychology tests can be used to prove or disprove whether or not someone is a sex offender. Here's the reality check from Driscoll:

"There is no test that can prove someone is or is not a sex offender. There are tests for arousal for images but not whether or not they acted on it. Misconception is that psychologically they would test normal like anyone else: it does not show a mental or personality disorder. That is why so many get away with it for so long." 

You are right and wrong. There are risk assessment tools out there...other states have them. So why not wake up or get out of the field. Many do get away with it so will the registry stop those?? not really if a thief is a good thief he will become sleeker better, If a murder is serial, he will be more manipulative. You cannot  stop them all but take those resources spent on time and money wasted on non-violent, low-risk, first time offenders and be smarter. Keep an eye on the real predators that deserve the registry, pain and grief. 

Originally, most men in the treatement program were men who were not sentenced to prison, Driscoll said.

What does this tell you. No sentencing. Probation likely? What kind of violent, high-risk sex offense would that be to have no prison time? Florida court time is wasted along with the money sucked through the justice system that is too broad when it comes to sex offender issues....but in the long run, the sex offender is the one to pay for the extensive treatment with a psychologist. So again-- no money, no place to live...ultimately probation is broken and then there's jail time and in the end who pays here...Florida's budget.

Driscoll states that more recently the sex offenders he sees are men who had longer sentences who were released from prison. 

And we know why that is...the laws. AWA,... Megan's, Jessica and the former statues of Florida. Child porn viewing. Images just downloaded in with some other shareware and not necessarily viewed.... ten years minimum?....wow!

Most in Florida had no treatment while incarcerated. The other inmates physically and verbally abuse these offenders. They are the low rung on the ladder, so that is why they would avoid going to treatment programs inside. The public thinks of them as monsters. Most of the men have come from dysfunctional families, where an uncle, grandfather, brother or somebody has exposed or molested them."

Driscoll is providing an important service. Primary prevention is something the Task Force is focusing on more now to try to prevent all abuses rather than reacting to it after it occurs.

Good luck, Mr. Driscoll, cause you are going to stay quite busy for some time to come unless Florida Laws aren't changed.

Find resources available for rape victims and information that will help you protect yourself or your loved ones by clicking on the following links.

Attorney General Division of Victim Services


Find local rape crisis centers http://www.fcasv.org/past-saam-events

Rape Abuse Incest National Network RAINN 1-800-656-HOPE

Prevention and help for victims of sex offenses Lauren’s Kids www.laurenskids.org

Senator Fasano’s sponsored Walk in Their Shoes Act – to contact Governor Scott http://www.flgov.com/contact-gov-scott/

FDLE Sex Offender homepage http://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/homepage.do

To search for sex offenders and predators in your neighborhood, go here http://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/Search.js

I would love to see a "Walk in their Shoes" type act for the life of a sex offender.

CA - IN RE PHAM Court of Appeals of California, Second District, Division Four. Filed May 16, 2011.

[Appellant does not challenge the factual underpinnings of the trial court's order—that it is very difficult for certain parolees to find compliant and affordable housing in Los Angeles County. Instead, he argues the court misconstrued the concept of banishment. Appellant contends that "[c]ourts have considered banishment as the expulsion of an individual from a particular community, city, county, state, or country." He relies on a decision from the Eighth Circuit, Doe v. Miller (8th Cir. 2005) 405 F.3d 700, and argues that "a limitation on a registered sex offender's residence does not effectuate banishment." Appellant cites the following language from Doe: "Unlike banishment, [the Iowa statute] restricts only where offenders may reside. It does not `expel' the offenders from their communities or prohibit them from accessing areas near schools or child care facilities for employment, to conduct commercial transactions, or for any purpose other than establishing a residence." (Id. at p. 719.) From this, appellant asserts that unless a parolee is prohibited from traveling to a designated location, a necessary element of banishment is missing. He concludes that as there is nothing in section 3003.5(b) restricting a parolee's ability to visit or travel through any prohibited area, the residency restriction falls "outside the meaning of traditional banishment, [and] the superior court improperly interpreted and applied constitutional law in ruling that the residency restriction effectuates traditional banishment."
We disagree with appellant's position that banishment requires a restriction on one's right to travel. First, it does not appear to comport with California law. In People v. Bauer (1989) 211 Cal.App.3d 937 (Bauer), the court considered whether a probationer's residence could be subject to his probation officer's approval. It concluded that the residency restriction "is all the more disturbing because it impinges on constitutional entitlements—the right to travel and freedom of association. Rather than being narrowly tailored to interfere as little as possible with these important rights, the restriction is extremely broad. The condition gives the probation officer the discretionary power, for example, to forbid appellant from living with or near his parents—that is, the power to banish him." (Id. at p. 944.) Thus, the Bauer court found that a residency restriction, even though it did not prohibit the right to travel through the same area, unduly infringed on the probationer's constitutional rights. In Alex O. v. Superior Court (2009) 174 Cal.App.4th 1176, 1179-1180, the juvenile court imposed probation conditions that required the probationer to live with his mother in Mexico. He was barred from entering the United States except to attend school, meet with his probation officer, complete the terms of probation, seek or maintain employment, or visit his father and family members. The appellate court panel concluded that because of the probationer's current living situation it was "not likely that any of the circumstances under which he is authorized to travel to the United States will arise during the course of his probation. . . . In short, although the juvenile court's order is not an express banishment from the United States, its practical effect on Alex is almost indistinguishable from a banishment." (Id. at pp. 1182-1183.) These cases suggest that banishment may occur even though the right to travel remains intact.]

Salem - Lifebridge Working to Adapt to Times And Neighborhood

"Before the City approves plans for the proposed addition of two floors to the current shelter building, a few matters need to be discussed and resolved.

The use of Lifebridge to house level 3 sex offenders is a continuing problem. I understand that they have to live somewhere. I wonder if there are better places than the middle of the downtown and at the edge of a residential neighborhood to house them. This issue needs to be discussed openly and with brutal honesty."

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The False Rape Society: Boston Globe Writer: It's Fair Game to Humiliate M...

The False Rape Society: Boston Globe Writer: It's Fair Game to Humiliate M...: "Boston Globe columnist Joanna Weiss, whose feminist sensibilities are clear, candidly says what many have long suspected about the feminis..."

The Adam Walsh Act and Tribes: One Lawyer

Megans Law Survey: Dr John Chapin and Dr Mari Pierce Researchers

Controversial court ruling produces more questions than answers

NY - GC School District Addresses Cyber Bullying Concerns

["Dr. Celano explained the district is introducing the message to parents through the website, newsletters and via the PTA, which sponsors presentations to parents. He explained a scenario where teenagers who are ‘sexting’ may be sending inappropriate pictures of themselves to a boyfriend or a girlfriend and the couple breaks up.

That picture is then sent in anger to everyone on that contact list that that person has. That action is a crime and it is considered a sex offense. It is considered to be creating and/or distributing child pornography, and therefore, kids have been convicted of that have gone to jail for years and are now, for the rest of their lives, on the sex offender list. That’s just one example of how serious this and how severe the consequences are,” Celano said.]

Canada - Decision | Dickson said sex was consensual and girl told man she was 18


National Post editorial board: Protecting families from the pedophile next door


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

FL - Lawmakers want voters to repeal religious funding ban

We are blessed that in Florida we have many faith-based organizations that provide reentry services. Under the current Florida Constitution, faith-based organizations are barred from receiving government funding. HJR 1471 repeals this longstanding prohibition. I have included the bill summary and an news article below for your review.

Please forward this email to your reentry networks and other stakeholders, particularly faith-based organizations with whom you work.

* * * *

Bill Summary:

The Joint Resolution amends the Florida Constitution relating to religious freedom. The resolution:

Repeals a limit on the power of the state and its subdivisions to spend funds “directly or indirectly in aid of any church, sect, or religious denomination or in aid of any sectarian institution.”

Provides that government may not deny the benefits of any program, funding, or other support on the basis of religious identity or belief, except to the extent required by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

The proposed amendment will be placed on the ballot at the November 6, 2012, general election. Sixty percent voter approval is required for adoption. If adopted by the voters, the amendment will take effect on January 4, 2013.

* * * *

Lawmakers want voters to repeal religious funding ban

A proposed constitutional amendment that will repeal a 19th century ban on state money going to religious organizations is headed to the ballot.

HJR 1471 by Rep. Scott Plakon, R-Longwood and championed by Sen. Thad Altman, R-Melbourne, in the Senate, removes a longstanding prohibition that was first added 125 years ago in what they say was a spate of anti-Catholic bigotry.

Altman told senators that Florida should change its law to match the federal law, which doesn’t discriminate against religious organizations.

“Our founding fathers saw the wisdom of not discriminating against individuals or organizations because they’re faith-based,” Altman said. “As long as they’re not pushing religion, our federal government allows that.”

Sen. Evelyn Lynn, while identifying herself as religious, nonetheless warned senators to be careful about opening up state funding to religious organizations.

“My great fear is that this is going to open up something to some groups out there that call themselves religious groups, and perhaps they are, but they are taking advantage of tax situation, and I think some people on this floor would question them and question their motives, “said Sen. Lynn, R-Daytona Beach. “We may be very sorry that we voted for this. I urge you to think carefully about what you’re doing.”

Backers of private school vouchers have been pushing the proposed amendment for years but have been unable to get it through the Senate. Supporters of the measure want the amendment because of an appeals court ruling that struck down a voucher program set up by former Gov. Jeb Bush. That court ruled the program unconstitutional because state money was going to private schools run by churches. The Florida Supreme Court ultimately used a different reason for scuttling the voucher program, but there are fears that other voucher programs, including the McKay Scholarship program, remain vulnerable to legal challenges.

The measure was approved 26-10 by the Senate.

The amendment is now one of seven constitutional measures that the GOP-controlled Legislature agreed to put on the ballot. 60 percent of voters must approve the measure in order for it to take effect.

UK: Q&A: the sex offenders register


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

OK - Police say man beaten, tattooed, left for dead in Del City

CO - Fear Mongering, vigilante media harass an offender and cause him to...

The good neighbor.

Sex Offender Issues: RI - Assistant Attorney General Bethany Macktaz on Revamping the Sex Offender System

Deal would end suit brought by Iowa sex offenders


This castration thing is predicted to catch on. Nine states have the laws on the books, and there is renewed interest here in the states and abroad.

'America's NJ - Most Wanted' Host Calls for New State Laws During Union County Speech

"Walsh educates audience on Adam Walsh Act compliance and DNA upon arrest laws"

So now the DNA database will help John can catch those alleged 100,000 sex offenders absconded, raight! Some people will listen to anybody and anything. Use your common sense and realize registry for life is overboard and unconstitutional. Besides the AWA and all others laws being implemented, it is downright wrong when it comes to first-time, low-risk, non-violent offenders. Also is there actually a tier one on the AWA?

Zero Tolerance: NY Prison System Committed To Preventing Sex Abuse


"The commissioner of the state prison system responds to our investigation of sex abuse involving male staff and female inmates."

Europeans wary of losing IMF chair after sex scandal


"The former French finance minister was arrested in New York on Sunday morning just as he was boarding a flight to Paris. A hotel maid has pressed sexual assault charges against him and the 62-year-old faces up to 25 years in prison if proven guilty."

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The False Rape Society: Men serving our country made to feel like rapists

The False Rape Society: Men serving our country made to feel like rapists: "We are posting, without comment, an email we received from a reader. We have received permission from the writer to post it, but I am not pu..."

Author of "Hottest Sex Offenders" list apologizes


Is everything a big joke, lately. This is serious matter when it comes to the sex offender who is falsely accused, a first-time offender, low-risk offender and on the registry for life

I know what most of you are thinking, let's just shame them so more....why not? They aren't people anyway.

Psychologist Don Sweeney stated that, "you have to offer people hope if you expect them to change. If society only wants to tear them down and doesn't show them anyway back then all hope is lost in their minds and they're more likely to re-lapse. Shaming individuals has been know in history to reduce the likelihood of progression from the perverse event. Is the registration process the most hellistic approach to securing child safety?"

Technology and its Impact on Child Pornography Laws - U.S. Politics Today - News Media Monitoring

Sex Offender Registry Commercial

I'm not sure what this is suppose to express. Truth or humor? Someone let me know...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sex Offender Suicides and Other Deaths: Sex assault suspect found dead at Cape camp

Sex Offender Suicides and Other Deaths: Sex assault suspect found dead at Cape camp: "4-6-2011 Massachusetts: A man accused of sexual assault at Camp Good News in Sandwich was found dead today from an apparent self-inflic..."

ACTION ALERT: Request for Reallocation of Byrne/JAG Grant Funds that Have Been Denied, and Delay Implementation of SORNA

Jill Levensen - Who are the people in your neighborhood? A descriptive analysis of individuals on public sex offender registries.

The False Rape Society: False rape accuser has boyfriend arrested, gets of...

The False Rape Society: False rape accuser has boyfriend arrested, gets of...: "An unnamed 19-year-old woman lied that her ex-boyfriend raped her, and he was arrested. After the police investigation revealed the claim wa..."

Man sentenced for child pornography


Man pleads guilty in child pornography court case | Laramie Boomerang | Laramie, Wyoming

Wow, check out the comments after this article. So maybe, just maybe, the guy happened upon these....could be from the FBI or some other cyber-crime unit ploy to entrap. Still even if it wasn't and it was his own doing, he is now compared to a murder...no worse than a murderer scum off the earth and should die. Again, wow, pretty harsh if you ask me.....

By the way, how come no one says murderers are the scum of the earth and not fit to walk beneath my feet and should die??? Is it a fear of one retaliating? hmmm.... 

Another thing...why is the rage not against the people making the video or the people that are putting it on the internet. Really, really think about the significance of that for a minute would ya'....

Thursday, May 12, 2011

SC - Former teacher avoids prison | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

FL - Legislature kills bill that would have monitored sex at group homes - St. Petersburg Times

NY - Riverhead News Review Source: Riverhead won’t get sex offender; shelter

Riverhead won’t get sex offender shelter

CA - Irvine Council Not Sold on Banning Sex Offenders From Parks - Voice of OC | Orange County's Nonprofit Investigative News Agency: OC South: irvine, irvine city council, sex offenders, city parks, jeff lalloway

ban sex offenders from city parks was not enthusiastically received
by the City…"

MD, Cumberland - Residents raise concerns over watershed, crime

PEOPLE v. BRIDGES: Failure to Register Nuances

The False Rape Society: Male Bashing on Campus for Fun and Profit

The False Rape Society: Male Bashing on Campus for Fun and Profit: "Grotesque Caricature The sexual grievance industry dispatched one of its gurus, Jackson Katz, to Dartmouth last week to reduce the..."

Sex Offender Issues: MS - Jury convicts man (Henry Lee Craig) in sex offender’s killing

TruthToTell Sex Offenders and Treatment--Highlights.

Civil commitment video about "high-risk" sex offenders.

NY - Deputy seeks help monitoring sex offenders - DailyFreeman.com

OK - Proposed Oklahoma law could force some sex offenders in a mobile home park to move into tents

Scope of Problem

Lifebridge Unveils Plans to Add 22 Housing Units

"Greater Endicott Street Neighborhood Association Member Jeff Cox expressed concern with the level 2 and level 3 sex offenders that might come to the community to utilize the housing.

"I know everyone needs to live somewhere," Cox said. "I'm not throwing the first stone, but there is concern."

Cote said Lifebridge "doesn't want to become the refuge harboring level 3 sex offenders," but said "if they weren't in a shelter with an 8 p.m. curfew, who knows where they would be?" Cote also said the shelter also limits how many sex offenders are accepted."

Framingham - Town Meeting Passes Sex Offender Bylaw

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Sex Offender Speaks: Is your son the next Sex Offender?

A Sex Offender Speaks: Is your son the next Sex Offender?: "Is your son the next Sex Offender? No!! I hear you scream…. What most people do not realize is just how easy it is to be classified as a s..."

The False Rape Society: Petition to disbar Mary Kellett

The False Rape Society: Petition to disbar Mary Kellett: "Paul Elam, in his tenacious style, has managed to help obtain in excess of 1,000 signatures on the petition to disbar Mary Kellett, the Main..."

Sex Offender Issues: WI - Judge to Child Molester 'I Think You Were Born Gayer Than a Sweet-Smelling Jockstrap'

Nicceee one, Judge!

No beach key for me...or my family.

Oak Park police charge boy who allegedly made sex-ranking list

Head of ICE downloaded child porn‏


Anthony V. Mangione

The head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement for South Florida has been placed on paid administrative leave, as federal agents investigate four images of child pornography he allegedly received on his home computer via an AOL e-mail account, according to sources familiar with the probe.

Broward Sheriff’s Office and FBI investigators seized Anthony V. Mangione’s computer from his Parkland residence Saturday after obtaining a search warrant based on an alert from AOL, Mangione’s Internet service provider. Sources said Mangione, 50, who has headed the ICE regional office since 2007, was not believed to have received the pictures in connection with any ICE investigation.

The Justice Department probe could take a while to complete as investigators determine whether Mangione sent, received or distributed illegal digital images of children. “It’s going to take some time forensically to examine the computer,” a federal law enforcement official said.

AOL, which monitors the distribution of child pornography by its users, alerted a national nonprofit resource center about the images allegedly sent to Mangione’s computer in recent weeks, sources said. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children then forwarded the information to a multi-agency task force that investigates child-porn distribution over the Internet.

Investigators issued a subpoena to AOL to find out the identity and computer address of the account user who allegedly received the four images, sources said. The information provided the legal basis for the FBI to obtain the search warrant to enter Mangione’s home and seize his computer. Authorities also have seized his computer from ICE’s office in west Miami-Dade.

“Internet service providers, including AOL, are required by federal law to report apparent violations of the child pornography laws to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which works with the Department of Justice,” said former Miami federal prosecutor Ryan Stumphauzer. In 2007, he won the conviction of a Biscayne Park man for producing and distributing child-porn over the Internet.

“To comply with this obligation, AOL and other Internet service providers use sophisticated software to detect suspected child pornography images based upon their unique digital fingerprints,” Stumphauzer said.

During the past decade, ICE has aggressively targeted child pornography, with Mangione frequently speaking out against "predators’’ who illegally share images through their computers. ICE also investigates migrant smuggling, illegal weapons exports, terrorism and drug trafficking.

Mangione could not be reached for comment. There are no court records indicating that he has been charged with any crime.

The ICE office in Washington, D.C., declined to comment and referred questions to the Department of Justice. Justice spokeswoman Laura Sweeney declined to comment, as did Miami FBI spokesman Mike Leverock.

As special agent in charge of ICE’s South Florida office, Mangione often lauded the agency’s efforts to fight child pornography in both the cyber and real worlds.

Mangione was planning to retire this summer. He has served his entire 27-year federal career with ICE and its predecessor, the U.S. Customs Service.

Former instructor Courtney Bowles sentenced to 10 years probation, no jail


Salem shelter planning expansion

Public outcry ends transplant for rapist


OC Skateboarder Gets Jail for having sex with Teen


"The girl later claimed she made up the allegation but prosecutors say that Patch acknowledged having sex with the girl to investigators."

Another Sex Offender Registers within District


Level 1?...really now.

Sex Offender Issues: ME - Bills would change Maine sex offender registry

ME - Lawmakers Take Up Bills To Change Maine's Sex Offender Laws

Monday, May 9, 2011

FL - Sexting bill sent to Governor Rick Scott

Sex Offender Issues: FBI & Pentagon officials purchased and downloaded child porn - 5,200 employees caught

Crimes against nature? Say what?

Sex Offender Issues: WI - Sex Offender to Continue Fight with Village over Residency

NM - You Think You've Got Problems


ALBUQUERQUE (CN) - Sheriff's deputies arrested a homeless sex offender and charged him with failing to notify them he had moved out of a Dumpster. 

The Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department said Charles Mader, 47, violated his sex-offender registration requirement when he failed to report within 10 days that he had moved out of the Dumpster he had given as his address.
Deputies found Mader at a homeless shelter and arrested him.
Mader told KOB-TV he was not familiar with the registration rules, but the Sheriff's 

Department said it had reminded him several times what the rules are.
If Mader fails to register for a third time, he faces up to 3 years in jail.

IL - State Senate Republicans and Democrats Still Miles Apart on Budget Issues

Health Care Sex Offender (HB 220): Revokes the license or visiting permit of any healthcare worker who has been convicted of committing a sexual crime, a felony associated with the controlled substances or methamphetamine control act, or a class 1 felony of the Public Aid Code.  Also requires a healthcare worker charged with a sexual crime to work only with a chaperon until the criminal procedures have concluded.

Sexually Dangerous Persons (HB 275):  Establishes that the Department of Children and Family Services cannot hire anyone who has been declared a sexually dangerous person under the Sexually Dangerous Persons Act or convicted of committing or attempting to commit specified offenses described in the Child Care Act.

Sexually Dangerous Person???? What exactly is that and how is that branched from SO?

National - Pass tougher law on online predators

"(D-Opelousas, House of Representatives) Her House Bill 55 would restrict the ability of people convicted of sex offenses involving computers to use the Internet, including social networking sites."

LA - Sex Crimes In New Orleans, Separate And Unequal

KS - House OKs sex offender reporting change

WEAU investigation leads to release of 3 E.C. Crush football players

Florida - Wide-ranging sexual abuse bill goes to Fla. gov - Florida Wires - MiamiHerald.com

IA - Fifteen years after Iowa's Sex Offender Registry, are children any ...

CA - Sex offenders would not have to register for life under new bill

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Stranger Danger and Sex Offender Registries

The Mark Lunsford shameless money grab.

Court: All Texas parolees must get sex-offender hearings

Court: All Texas parolees must get sex-offender hearings

IL - Reformers blast sex offender legislation


Salina Journal News: Child advocates offer advice on sex crimes


Should Framingham Limit Access of Level 2, 3 Sex Offenders?


Allegheny County Finishes Study on GPS Technology and Sex Offenders


A sampling of editorials from Oklahoma newspapers - KSWO, Lawton, OK- Wichita Falls, TX: News, Weather, Sports. ABC, 24/7, Telemundo -

A sampling of editorials from Oklahoma newspapers - KSWO, Lawton, OK- Wichita Falls, TX: News, Weather, Sports. ABC, 24/7, Telemundo -

City says building still is violating code orders


"As a consequence of the inspections, the unregistered sex offender was arrested, he added."

Research to target untested rape kits

Research to target untested rape kits

Tolleson P.D. issues sex-offender alert

Original Article: http://www.westvalleyview.com/main.asp?SectionID=2&SubSectionID=1&ArticleID=39649

Tolleson police have issued a public alert about a registered sex offender who has moved into the city from Goodyear.

Joe Rene Bautista, 48, is living at an apartment in the 1200 block of North 91st Avenue, said Sgt. Rudy Mendoza, a Tolleson police spokesman.

Bautista is not wanted by any law-enforcement agency, Mendoza said.

In 2004, Bautista was convicted in San Diego on a charge of lewd and lascivious acts involving a child less than 14 years old, Mendoza said.

The alert is the result of the Arizona sex-offender law that took effect in 1996. The measure requires mandatory community notification involving some registered sex-offenders.

Bautista has been classified as a Level III, or high-risk offender, according to the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Father's Sexting Teen, The Brian Hunt Story

New website found - Sex Crime Criminal Defense


FL - Refinance property in Okeechobee County, Fl.

Matthew 25 Ministries needs to refinance the property they own in Okeechobee County, Fl. This consists of a three bedroom home and a mobile home on ¼ acre. It was originally purchased in 2005 for $175,000. In 2009 we borrowed $80,000 from a foundation to meet a pressing obligation. Now we need to refinance this loan as it is at 12% interest.

The problem is we are not able to obtain financing from commercial lenders due to our being a ministry. We are seeking an individual to loan us $75,000 at 6% interest. This should be attractive to anyone who has funds in a savings or money market account that is only receiving 3% or less in interest. This is currently occupied rental property at $1,200 per month.


OK - Sex Offenders worried about Future


KS - Expand sex registry


AU - Police public servants rewarded despite project cost blowout



Program by Bangor PD

BANGOR — Bangor police Community Relations Officer Jason McAmbley will be guest speaker at the next Physical Disabilities Support Group meeting at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 5, at
Winterberry Heights, 932 Ohio St.

McAmbley will discuss and answer questions pertaining to neighborhood watch groups, police department operations, sex offenders and handicapped parking, among other issues.

Those with physical disabilities, their families and friends, caregivers, health professionals and the public are invited to attend. Before the meeting a potluck supper will begin at 5 p.m. For more information, call 945-6878 or 942-6720.

One To See Change Past Posts

One to See Change Blog List

"When an American says that he loves his country, he means not only that he loves the New England hills, the prairies glistening in the sun, the wide and rising plains, the great mountains, and the sea. He means that he loves an inner air, an inner light in which freedom lives and in which a man can draw the breath of self-respect."
~Adlia Stevenson U.S. Vice President (1893–1897) and Congressman (1879–1881)

On a Personal Note

Thanks for the opportunity to express my thoughts regarding the issue of citizens’ rights, particularly addressing certain sex offenders’ crimes that do not fit the devastating, inequitable and endless punishment given.

As you know, many young men and women lives across the nation are being destroyed by incarceration, life-time registry and restrictive laws that do more harm than good. For those individuals, there is no second chance.

Below is a personal letter to President Obama:
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“Dear President Obama,

I truly agree with your sentiments that individuals, such as ex-felons, should be able to receive a second chance at life. Since we all know that one can veer off that path of life and travel along rough, rocky terrain, sometimes running off and ending up in some ditch. We all have made our fill of mistakes and sometimes those held a costly consequence that changed life forever. So we lived through it, trying harder to make things right with family, friends and those around us, but what about those who aren’t able to make things right even if they tried…because they’re labeled as too dirty, a leper, a person who is rejected from society and home.

But what if they’re a seventeen year old and had sex with a fifteen year old, consensual at that? Or they’re a teen that had gotten so enraged after a breakup that he sent out naked pictures of his girlfriend on his cell phone or email? Or an individual urinates where someone just happens to see them?

All are wrong and a travesty but do they deserve the life of no second chance with a registry that ends all. They are labeled, no jobs, no where to live…they have been deemed a menace to society, a plague. These certain circumstances, and many other situations similar to these, I believe still deserve a second change.

Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

After my son’s early release and two years of prison, I thought I had handled that fact graciously knowing after serving his time he would be able to get that fresh start, that second chance. He was an exemplary inmate, GED, college courses and vocational classes. Little did I know that a second chance on the outside was the farthest from the truth? He now struggles and lives in a trailer park sharing a trailer with another and surrounded by others in the same rocking boat, one to float endlessly in shark infested waters. I see him little because of probation requirements (he couldn’t live with us because we were 800 feet near a school). My family is afraid of what would happen to them if he lived with them…vigilantism. My son has no other place to stay since others condemn him of his crime that is screamed from the highest rooftop. Sex offender, sex offender!

Not all sex offenders are pedophiles or predators but some are simply young kids that make one stupid and rash decision that eventually changes everything, and they have no idea what they’ve done until their life is never their own. Exactly, where is that second chance for those sex-offenders who are lumped together with pedophiles and predators? Now, it makes me sick to think of my son’s future and many like him that are on the registry and many with no second chance…ever. I am asking you as a mother and as another concerned citizen of the United States that these laws are looked at again and taken into serious consideration in what they are doing to the Constitution of the United States, not for sex offenders in general but the future rights of every citizen, before anymore are put into effect. They unjustly strip an offender of their rights and place them in a guillotine that can be easily set off by anyone and at anytime. Where is the second chance for ex-sex offenders in the present, pending and future laws?”
* * * *
What truly saddens me is the weakness and deterioration of what the sex offense issue is doing to our once, great nation. Across Europe, others are seeing the injustice and disregard of rights, but we ignore this problem and it makes me wonder where humanity is heading….

We have become a hysterical society in which our latest witch-hunt is a sex offender--no matter his/her crime.

Below is a email sent from a foreign advocate to a father of a sex offender:
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“The tragic story of your son's death is just so sad that it's difficult to explain how. It was very hard to read your letters. It seems almost unbelievable that this can take place in a democracy! From our point of view, there is no justice in this. Not in any way: not for you, your son, the former girl friend – or even the state.

It is an abusive legal system. It seems barbaric. And we are so very sorry that this takes place. That's why it's so important for us to try to neutralize the debate with this…, hopefully making some changes. ….. to show the every day life of the sex offenders, trying to show how they keep on being punished, even after served prison time…..But we will for sure tell the story of the injustice that your son has been exposed to.”
* * * *
I appreciate everyone's commitment and backing to protect everyone's civil rights, plainly as noted in the Constitution of the United States and is presupposed, giving ALL men are “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.”