Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Sex Offenders: Murdered +: Teen girl: 'I lied that Stephen Lyne raped me'
Sex Offender Issues: AU - The case against naming sex fiends
A teasing but truthful look of the sad issue dealing with the sex offender issue
This year, our host finds himself stuck in Barbara Farris's "Project H40." Can he escape this vile place? Will Barbara Farris repeat last year's Shiitake-worthy performance?
Will Florida continue it's dynasty, or will Ohio, Alabama, or Missouri dethrone the three time chumps? Tune in for the ICBS National CHUMPionship.
A Special thanks to "Steph" for creating the Shiitake Award poster, logo, and 20111 ICBS logo.
All music used in the video are copyrighted by their respective owners. However, Once Fallen is using them legally under the Fair Use Policy doctrine. the Shiitake Awards is an educational and informative (and entertaining) program that educates people on the abuses of the public sex offender registry. This project is free to the public and I make no money from it.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Research Study Offers Survey to Parents of Juvenile Registrants;
Research Study Offers Survey to Parents of Juvenile Registrants;
Enter to Win a $20 Amazon Gift Card by Completing a Survey for a Research Study about Juveniles on the Sex Offender Registry
My name is Stephanie Tabashneck and I am a doctoral student at the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology in Boston, Massachusetts. I am conducting a study about the impact of the sex offender registry on juveniles who have sexually offended.
I am asking the parents or legal guardians of juveniles on the public, online sex offender registry to complete a survey. Participants must be
over the age of 18 and must have a child on the sex offender registry. Completing the survey should take 15 to 30 minutes. There is no follow-up survey or additional requirements.
In appreciation of the time you spent assisting me in completing this study, you may choose to enter into a raffle for a $20 Amazon gift card.
Instructions for entering the raffle will be found at the end of the survey.
Eligibility Criteria:
Parent or Legal Guardian of a child on the public, online sex offender registry;
Over the age of 18
If you are interested in completing the survey, please go to the following
Please pass this information on to others who meet the criteria.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Steph Tabashneck
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student, 4th Year
Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology
Phone: 781-530-4322
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Radio-Role-Play with "Bill Blathers" for Monday February 27th: Internet Vigilante Justice Special - NEW TIMES: 8:05pm Eastern /
Phone call in: 724-444-7444 -- Show ID: 113956
Log in at Www.TalkShoe.Com -- Show ID: 113956
8:45pm Eastern: Molester Mondays Green Room - Learn your talking points (not recorded)
9:05pm Eastern: Molester Mondays with Bill Blathers (recorded)
10:15pm Eastern: Molester Mondays Green Room post show comments (recorded)
Please join us in the pre-show green "prep" room Monday nights at 8:45 pm (Eastern) or listen in at the regular show start time of 9:05pm (Eastern).
Tom Madison
Program Director for "Radio-Role-Play with Bill Blathers" on Www.Talkshoe.Com Internet radio show Id: 113956 every Monday night at 9:05 pm Eastern and 6:05 pm Pacific times.
Are celebrity nude photo scandals contributing to young women sexting?
Teen sexting laws too harsh?
Friday, February 24, 2012
I Love a Sex Offender: Why are abused children not interesting enough?
Secret Meetings in Washington the Battle for Liberty has Begun by RSODL
New post on The Sex Crimes Witch Hunt | |
| Secret Meetings in Washington the Battle for Liberty has Begunby RSODL |
Appeals Court Finds Library Sex Offender Ban Unconstitutional
Associated Press Exposing the Registry by RSODL
New post on The Sex Crimes Witch Hunt | |
| Associated Press Exposing the Registryby RSODL |
Here Comes Internment… Prison Without a Trial by RSODL
New post on The Sex Crimes Witch Hunt | |
| Here Comes Internment… Prison Without a Trialby RSODL |
New Zealand “Specialist Sexual Violence Court” by RSODL
New post on The Sex Crimes Witch Hunt | |
| New Zealand “Specialist Sexual Violence Court”by RSODL |
Beck Blanton Shows True Colors, Says RSOs are “Slaves” by RSODL
New post on The Sex Crimes Witch Hunt | |
| Beck Blanton Shows True Colors, Says RSOs are “Slaves”by RSODL |
Monday, February 20, 2012
Ohio - Ohio Governor's Office, DRC, DYS to host Cincy Collateral Consequences symposium
Derek W. Logue, / / /
To donate via PayPal:
For Other Donation Options, visit
Friday, February 17, 2012
Sex Offender Issues: UT - Sex offender bill awaits governor's signature...
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
“Have A Heart for Advocacy” the Rotunda of the Arkansas State Capitol
Monday, February 13, 2012
Sex Offender Issues: IN - HB-1204 - New Sex Offender Bill
Reform Sex Offender Laws in Wisconsin: Weakening the Burden of Proof in Wisconsin
I Love a Sex Offender: Hurting some kids to protect other kids is protect...
The False Rape Society: Donate Now, Please
Sex Offender Suicides and Other Deaths: 78 inmate deaths from 2010-11 not disclosed by Cor...
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Episode for Monday, February 13th 2012: "The Surveillance State: It's not just for sex offenders anymore."
- Last week, Congress, passed an FAA re-authorization bill and President Obama is expected to sign it into law that will make it much easier for the government to put scores of unmanned spy drones into American skies. If the law takes full effect, it is believed as many as 30,000 drones could be hovering over the U.S. by 2020. Is our surveillance minded government taking security and safety of its citizens too far?
- Current surveillance programs: Convicted sex offenders have been under federal and state surveillance for decades. Are citizens receiving the benefits of sex offender registration, notification and civil commitment?
- Does police surveillance of all citizens increase public safety which has been shown to be so important to Americans since the early 1990s when the surveillance of sex offenders became a national effort?
- Since the 911 attacks, laws such as the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act and the recently signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act all attempt to prevent a new terrorist attack. Are there parallels between these laws and sex offender laws that are designed to prevent new sex crimes?
- Many Americans are suspicious of Muslims who live among us. Should our government spy on this group in similar ways such as registered sex offenders in the hopes of stopping future terrorism?
- If war breaks out with Iran, should the US Government round up and intern American Muslims just as what was done to American Japanese in early part of World War One?
- Is there a link between commitment of some types of sex offenders and the growing terrorism concerns regarding political activists who continually break the law?
- The growing surveillance state in America often has the support of national news outlets. Is there a difference between supporting public safety and doing the work of journalism?
- Should the US Government model new security laws that could be adopted from sex offender laws that would require those activists deems dangerous to register with police and be subject to internment for the benefit of greater public safety?
- A recent poll shows that political candidates with the most campaign money win the election 94% of the time. Should those groups under surveillance in the United States be concerned with campaign finance laws and corporate contributions to candidates?
- Journalism v. Propaganda
- Democracy v. Totalitarianism
- Critical Thinking v. Magical Thinking
- Constitutional Law v. Dictatorship Decree
- Freedom and Liberty v. Safety and Security
- The Individual v. the Corporate-Government Power
9:05pm Eastern: Molester Mondays with Bill Blathers (recorded)
10:15pm Eastern: Molester Mondays Green Room post show comments (recorded)
Www.Talkshoe.Com -- Show ID: 113956
Phone call in: 724-444-7444 -- Show ID: 113956
Log in at Www.TalkShoe.Com -- Show ID: 113956
Please join us in the pre-show green "prep" room Monday nights at 8:35 pm (Eastern) or listen in at the regular show start time of 9:05pm (Eastern).
Tom Madison
Program Director for "Molester Mondays with Bill Blathers" on Www.Talkshoe.Com Internet radio show Id: 113956 every Monday night at 9:05 pm Eastern and 6:05 pm Pacific times.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
One To See Change Past Posts
- S.C. Legislature Uses Secrecy Law to Thwart Record...
- Sex Offenders: Murdered +: Teen girl: 'I lied that...
- Deeply Flawed Sex Offender Registry Needs Rethinking
- Sex Offender Issues: AU - The case against naming ...
- A teasing but truthful look of the sad issue deali...
- Research Study Offers Survey to Parents of Juvenil...
- FTC warns mobile app marketers providing backgroun...
- Radio-Role-Play with "Bill Blathers" for Monday Fe...
- Are celebrity nude photo scandals contributing to ...
- - Vt. gov.: No to decriminalizing teen...
- Teen sexting laws too harsh?
- I Love a Sex Offender: Why are abused children not...
- Special Report: Is the house of God open to everyo...
- Secret Meetings in Washington the Battle for Liber...
- Assemblyman Cook introduces bill to require card-c...
- Sex offender bill awaits governor's signature
- Appeals Court Finds Library Sex Offender Ban Uncon...
- Associated Press Exposing the Registry by RSODL
- Here Comes Internment… Prison Without a Trial by R...
- New Zealand “Specialist Sexual Violence Court” by ...
- Beck Blanton Shows True Colors, Says RSOs are “Sla...
- Off-Topic but it is coming....
- Sycamore woman charged with refusing to register ...
- ALERT: Human Rights Watch - Seeks Juvenile Case Ex...
- Convicted sex offender challenges lifetime Faceboo...
- Ohio - Ohio Governor's Office, DRC, DYS to host Ci...
- Sex Offender Issues: UT - Sex offender bill awaits...
- ALERT: Nevada's Attorney General Masto announces 9...
- ALERT: Michigan and their PROPOSED Animal Abuse Re...
- “Have A Heart for Advocacy” the ...
- Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein: I'm a sex offender, n...
- Sex Offender Issues: IN - HB-1204 - New Sex Offend...
- Man who shot deputy gets life - KYTX CBS 19 Tyler ...
- Reform Sex Offender Laws in Wisconsin: Weakening t...
- I Love a Sex Offender: Hurting some kids to protec...
- No Peace For Predators claims they are Christian a...
- Speaking Up Is Hard to Do: Researchers Explain Why
- The False Rape Society: Donate Now, Please
- Sex Offender Suicides and Other Deaths: 78 inmate ...
- Georgia's sex offender restrictions depend on when...
- Episode for Monday, February 13th 2012: "The Sur...
- Off-topic politics: 50 Year old commercial
- Ohio governor: End bans on some jobs for freed felons
- Sex offenders could soon face tougher travel restr...
- Oppose The Adam Walsh Act: John Walsh has ruined o...
- Middleburg Heights to ban all sex offenders from c...
- Interesting theory or truth to come...
- MO - Oil workers strain Mont. law enforcement
- UK - Criminals on licence could be tagged and trac...
- INDIA - What steps should be taken to prevent mole...
- CA - Still playing the sex offender shuffle, and f...
- Public Sex Offender Registers Being Accessed by Fo...
- No title
- 2012 is Beat the Registry Year by witchhunt33
- ...
- RI - Sex offenders winning on appeal
- Anti Adam Walsh Act Sheriff Explains Federal Game ...
- ND - Grand Forks - Non-offender's Home Listed on S...
- RSODL Oregon Alert by witchhunt33
- RSODL Oregon Alert
- Massachusetts Sex Offender Resource Blog: Incarcer...
- FBI: Beware of online child predators
- Hysteria has reached Connecticut...
- Hate to get political especially when it comes fro...
- ABC 24 Reporter Mistakenly Listed as Possible Sex ...
- The False Rape Society: Man arrested for making a ...
- Sex Offenders: Murdered +: Middletown man, 54, fou...
- No title
- No title
- Molester Mondays with Bill Blathers
- Interesting Articles from Arkansas...
- Florida - Who's Your Neighbor?
- Canada police charge 60 in child pornography sweep
- Liberty and Justice for Y'all: Trial Judge Influen...
- Sex Offenders: Murdered +: MN Sex Offender Program...
- New Link - The Recovery Group, Inc.
- Ware child porn case highlights risk of recidivism...
- Sex Offender Issues: SD - State lawmakers poised t...
- Sex Offender Issues website - Its heading and the ...
- WR recruit Roger Lewis facing rape charges instead...
One to See Change Blog List
Florida Action Committee Condemns Sheriff’s Office for Evicting Registrants as “Perverts” - By Florida Action Committee… NARSOL Florida State Affiliate the Florida Action Committee (FAC) is outraged by the recent actions of the Putnam County She...5 days ago
Multi-systemic responses and understanding to the prevention and intervention of harmful sexual behaviour in autistic children and young people. - By *David Russell, PGc, Kieran McCartan, PhD,* &* Sophie King-Hill, PhD * The field of sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviour is broad, with many ...5 days ago
"Beef Stew Scandal Hollywood" by Chris Krych - Note; "Beef Stew" is Chris's slang for the totality of his complaints against those at the MSOP and the judge wo condemned him.1 week ago
Mugshots removed from CA Lake County Sheriff’s Office website - According to Elizabeth Larson with the Lake County News, “a federal court ruling handed down earlier this month has resulted in changes to inmate and arr...5 months ago
Incarceration can be rehabilitative | VOX, CEPR Policy Portal - Incarceration can be rehabilitative | VOX, CEPR Policy Portal: Incarceration rates have tripled in the US and almost doubled in Western Europe over the pas...5 years ago
Here are the 2018 Shiitake Award WINNERS! - There won't be a video this year for the 2018 Shiitake Awards and I can't post the winners on my website, so here are the 2018 Shiitake Award Winners. Enj...5 years ago
NOTICE--There will be no further updates to this blog - To those who follow this blog-- I have decided to stop keeping this blog up to date. I had hoped over the years that someone would step up in Alabama and b...6 years ago
Naming the Guilty - I have taken legal advice about my accuser, and her comments. I've also now received the full Police investigations, her criminal record (yes, despite bein...6 years ago
Accused sex offender commits suicide - *11-27-17 Florida* Bruce McAllister, who was facing multiple sex offense charges has committed suicide. He was the husband of former Hernando Christian Ac...7 years ago
Man accused of setting fire to sex offender's house in Jefferson County - *8-20-17 Alabama:* The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office announced Friday an arrest in connection with a house fire earlier this summer. Jessie Lessley, ...7 years ago
Website editor found guilty of falsely reporting child abuse in Brevard County - *4-2-17 Florida:* BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. - A Brevard County website editor is facing up to five years in prison after being found guilty of falsely accusing...7 years ago
"If we’ve learned anything . . . it’s that we need to slow down the rush to judgment . . . ." - Laura Kipnis, professor, Northwestern University, urges the Northwestern community not to rush to judgment on an alleged sexual assault. Here's a letter sh...8 years ago
AZ - Derek Logue on Dr Drew, 4 May 2016 - Video Description: The topic for this show was the Arizona teen who was facing 69 counts of indecent exposure over a high school yearbook photo prank. (NOT...8 years ago
Guest Blog, Modern Healthcare Editor Merrill Goozner: When it comes to pricing Sovaldi, how NICE of them - Merrill Goozner is the editor of Modern Healthcare. During 30 years as a journalist and educator, he has been a foreign, national and chief economics corr...9 years ago
A God Sent - A God Sent Man, I am so blessed. After 4 years of a brutal parole I have finally found something that will actually help me find permanent housing. This...10 years ago
Rejecting Guilt Part II - Last week, or five minutes ago if you just happened upon this blog, you created and categorized an “If Only” list. These if only’s probably detail your de...10 years ago
Alive, just been busy busy - Just another quick post that things are well, just settled into a new life down here in the Keystone State with all the positives and negatives that come w...10 years ago
~Adlia Stevenson U.S. Vice President (1893–1897) and Congressman (1879–1881)
On a Personal Note
As you know, many young men and women lives across the nation are being destroyed by incarceration, life-time registry and restrictive laws that do more harm than good. For those individuals, there is no second chance.
Below is a personal letter to President Obama:
* * * *
“Dear President Obama,
I truly agree with your sentiments that individuals, such as ex-felons, should be able to receive a second chance at life. Since we all know that one can veer off that path of life and travel along rough, rocky terrain, sometimes running off and ending up in some ditch. We all have made our fill of mistakes and sometimes those held a costly consequence that changed life forever. So we lived through it, trying harder to make things right with family, friends and those around us, but what about those who aren’t able to make things right even if they tried…because they’re labeled as too dirty, a leper, a person who is rejected from society and home.
But what if they’re a seventeen year old and had sex with a fifteen year old, consensual at that? Or they’re a teen that had gotten so enraged after a breakup that he sent out naked pictures of his girlfriend on his cell phone or email? Or an individual urinates where someone just happens to see them?
All are wrong and a travesty but do they deserve the life of no second chance with a registry that ends all. They are labeled, no jobs, no where to live…they have been deemed a menace to society, a plague. These certain circumstances, and many other situations similar to these, I believe still deserve a second change.
Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
After my son’s early release and two years of prison, I thought I had handled that fact graciously knowing after serving his time he would be able to get that fresh start, that second chance. He was an exemplary inmate, GED, college courses and vocational classes. Little did I know that a second chance on the outside was the farthest from the truth? He now struggles and lives in a trailer park sharing a trailer with another and surrounded by others in the same rocking boat, one to float endlessly in shark infested waters. I see him little because of probation requirements (he couldn’t live with us because we were 800 feet near a school). My family is afraid of what would happen to them if he lived with them…vigilantism. My son has no other place to stay since others condemn him of his crime that is screamed from the highest rooftop. Sex offender, sex offender!
Not all sex offenders are pedophiles or predators but some are simply young kids that make one stupid and rash decision that eventually changes everything, and they have no idea what they’ve done until their life is never their own. Exactly, where is that second chance for those sex-offenders who are lumped together with pedophiles and predators? Now, it makes me sick to think of my son’s future and many like him that are on the registry and many with no second chance…ever. I am asking you as a mother and as another concerned citizen of the United States that these laws are looked at again and taken into serious consideration in what they are doing to the Constitution of the United States, not for sex offenders in general but the future rights of every citizen, before anymore are put into effect. They unjustly strip an offender of their rights and place them in a guillotine that can be easily set off by anyone and at anytime. Where is the second chance for ex-sex offenders in the present, pending and future laws?”
* * * *
What truly saddens me is the weakness and deterioration of what the sex offense issue is doing to our once, great nation. Across Europe, others are seeing the injustice and disregard of rights, but we ignore this problem and it makes me wonder where humanity is heading….
We have become a hysterical society in which our latest witch-hunt is a sex offender--no matter his/her crime.
Below is a email sent from a foreign advocate to a father of a sex offender:
* * * *
“The tragic story of your son's death is just so sad that it's difficult to explain how. It was very hard to read your letters. It seems almost unbelievable that this can take place in a democracy! From our point of view, there is no justice in this. Not in any way: not for you, your son, the former girl friend – or even the state.
It is an abusive legal system. It seems barbaric. And we are so very sorry that this takes place. That's why it's so important for us to try to neutralize the debate with this…, hopefully making some changes. ….. to show the every day life of the sex offenders, trying to show how they keep on being punished, even after served prison time…..But we will for sure tell the story of the injustice that your son has been exposed to.”
* * * *
I appreciate everyone's commitment and backing to protect everyone's civil rights, plainly as noted in the Constitution of the United States and is presupposed, giving ALL men are “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.”