From John Walsh:
1. "I said I was kidding when I was talking to the Senate and I said they were talking about electronic monitoring, which is big and unwieldy for the sex offenders, and that some of these guys, no matter what the law in their state was, would have to wear one for 20 years or whatever. I said implant it in their anus and if they go outside the radius, explode it and that would send a big message. It was a joke. Nobody thought it was funny."
Really, John? Did you say that only after no one laughed?
From Mark Lunsford:
1. “Save a child- Hang a Pedophile.”
2. “My focus is on tougher laws for predators. If you don’t like me because I look at naked women, I don’t care. I’m not putting a black mark on my daughter’s name."
3. "We're talking about Romeo and Juliet here, not some 36-year-old pervert following around a 10-year-old." -- Mark Lunsford, responding to his son's arrest for a sex crime.
Mark, what exactly do you mean? You can't have it both ways.
From Wendy Murphy:
1. “I never, ever met a false rape claim, by the way. My own statistics speak to the truth.” Wendy Murphy, adjunct professor at the New England School of Law and alleged “legal analyst,” commenting on the “Duke Lacrosse case,” later discovered to be a case of malicious and false prosecution.
From Lisa Fritsch:
1. "What Mr. Troyer should be thinking is that if everybody went out and beat up a sex offender, we might have a lot less sex offenders. This is the point. Home run and bravo to Ms. Gibson." -- 590 KLBJ radio personality Lisa Fritsch, a "Christian," applauding an unprovoked vigilante attack in 2008.
What if someone didn't like your program and beat you up? More to the point, what if you yourself find the name "Lisa Fritsch" on the registry? Something tells me that may change your tune.
From Judy Cornett
1. “Sex Crimes against children is ZERO TOLERANCE, offenders need no mercy....Death is the only resolution....Prison??? Our tax dollars...I can think of better ways to spend our money...what about death for the predators and put the money that would of been used supporting these sickos and rehabilitate the survivors…”-- Judy Cornett, notorious vigilante.
So moving back to Nazi Germany is the answer. Where does some of this trash come from?
Do we have so much hatred in our country that we can no longer find the forgiveness that we expect for ourselves? What about the poor souls who have been falsely accused of a sex crime? It is time for change. The sex offender register doesn't work. The only thing it does is cause vigilantism and hate.
Please keep an eye on the blog, as I will look at things from a different perspective soon. In the meantime, watch for my second edition of "A Motion for Innocence" which is almost ready to roll.
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