2. One that brings dishonor, disgrace, or condemnation.
3. A condition of disgrace or dishonor; ignominy.
4. A great disappointment.
tr.v. shamed, sham·ing, shames
How can one leave through this? Everyday sex offenders who are low-risk, non-violent, first- time offenders are shamed with a label and with no hope of living a normal existence. They are judged, chastised and regarded as inhuman scum. Why is it that stray animals are treated with more kindness than someone seeking forgiveness. It is a travesty what America has become with how we view others. First, it was the gays and lesbians that were looked at as disgusting and unholy but now it is the sex offender label that has elevated on that desolate plateau of nothingness. Look around and seek the truth and you will be astounded and ashamed of what you eventually see.
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